BLOG 4 - Postgraduate Studies

Hello class again, this our fourth entry! This time, you need to write about 'postgraduate studies' a very interesting topic for you, I believe. Maybe you have not considered such option yet; nonetheless, this is a good time explore some further programmes of studies that might call up your interest. Instructions Write 210 to 230 words (pay attention to misspellings, grammar errors and vocabulary). You will also need to write three (3) comments on your classmate’s posts and one (1) on mine (25 words as a minimum). Try to use all the English that you know and what we have learnt in class. DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR TO DO YOUR ENTRY. You will have 48 hours to do it. Do not forget to include some photographs. Pursuing a postgraduate programme. Postgraduate studies are an opportunity to study more in depth and enhance your career. First, however, there are some important issues to consider when choosing an appropriate course and finally decidi...